Interested in evguard® for laminated safety glass? Get in touch!

Do you produce high quality laminated safety glass and are interested in our evguard® EVA film for glass lamination?

We would be happy to send you detailed information material: find out about the wide variety of areas of application for laminated glass!

Get in touch:

Folienwerk Wolfen GmbH
Guardianstraße 4
D-06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen

Phone: 0049 (0) 3494/6979-0
Fax: 0049 (0) 3494/6979-37

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Laminated safety glass – extremely versatile thanks to evguard®

The use of our laminating film produces a particularly robust laminate. Thanks to the strength, which has been proven in pendulum impact tests and falling ball tests, the laminated glass can be used for facades, among other things, and is suitable for use as anti-burglary glass.

The outstanding temperature properties make the laminated glass an ideal fire resistant glass which does not shatter, meaning that the risk of injury is reduced. Noise reducing glass is produced with the help of the laminating film, as well as decorative glass which is used in interior design. Our information materials provide all the details of the many and varied properties of the EVA film in laminates.

Get evguard® samples

Are you interested in using the evguard® laminating film for producing high quality laminated glass? We are happy to send you samples, without any obligation, in order to help you find the perfect EVA film for your application.

For this, simply choose the desired sample size and the appropriate material thickness and discover the properties of the film for yourself.
